Session 3
Things are starting to take shape! Check out the thoughts about the visible and the invisible parts of the DADA economy:
Thoughts from the sidebar:
Lenara: I think Sebnem mentioned research showing an x amount of money beyond which people didn’t feel happier with more money. It seems this effect is mostly due to lack of money for basic safety causing a negative effect on happiness. So once you have enough money for safety, what brings happiness is not money.
Judy: It was $95K I think.
Lenara: Or, if you can have the same safety without money then basically you don’t need money at all.
Carolin: Interesting! That’s why there should be a UBI
Terrence: Proof of stake has a concept called stake weight that’s very similar to what’s being discussed. I’m part of another art-oriented project taking about similar problems in trying to prevent whale games.
Sparrow: Doing that would also be a good way to ‘teach’ people about how conversations work on platform…. right scrolling, etc.
See you in two weeks!