Session 8
We are incredibly fortunate to be collaborating with the folks at Metagov. Today’s meeting was a recap of what we have been doing in terms of governance experiments up to now, and what are the next steps towards establishing a governance system for the Invisible Economy, not only for DADA but as a template for other organizations that need to monetize without losing their socially-minded essence.
Lots of super interesting ideas were discussed. Watch:
The sidebar, as usual, was on fire:
Sebnem: Fabian mentioned something on a completely different account: “The Valley Beyond” that resonated a lot.
Judy: How do you spell the name of the other guy?
Joshua: Zargham
Lenara: Is Fabian Bruder Fabian’s note-taking AI? (sorry I’m obsessed about this topic and apologizes to Bruder if you’re a real person :) :)
Sparrow: I’d actually like to know what things are key to knowing what modeling to choose to use for governance. Maybe a link to the Miro board would help?
Judy: Good idea. But I think Joshua may need something a bit more organized. We have not written the constitution yet…
Sparrow: We’ll also be putting more information here.
Ilan: We’re going to call it taco sandwich.
Judy: Manifesto?
Primavera: Extitution. ;)
Ilan: Sounds like ‘intuition’… which I like.
Primavera: can I jump in?
Judy: YES. Wikipedia is currently desperately begging users for money.
There are two different overlapping needs: the needs of the participants in the community and the need for the platform to be sustainable as Prima says with a viable business model.
Sebnem: we will adopt extitutions :), and I like the connotation of “institutionalization”, too ;) we should have the absolute minimum of that.
Ilan: we flew over the cuckoo’s nest.
Sebnem: .D
Judy: Boom, Primavera!
Primavera: Peer Production License (P2P Foundation)
DisCo Manifesto (Guerilla Translatino — Stacco Troncoso)
Sparrow: Are we talking about somehow codifying the social norms which DADA already has?
Primavera: I wouldn’t say codifying. That’s the whole point, codifying social norms means institutionalization. We want to see and observe and reinforce specific social norms from an extitutional perspective, without institutionalizing them :)
Sparrow: Yes, that’s why I was trying to grasp in what way we can do that!
Beatriz: great
Sparrow: So, the ‘institutionalization’ is there to interface to the external ecosystem… and the ‘exitutionalisation’ is what is inside the Inivisible Economy? So inside something like the joy of making art, and a sense of autonomy, validation, self-development, belonging, and a higher purpose.
Fabian: Excellent! Yes, so what I hear with your ‘scaffolding’ is that you are essentially structuring for variety, to achieve some substrate invariance, so you can be compatible with a range of conditions.
Judy: Sparrow: or adopted social behaviors like people naturally respecting boundaries in collaborative drawings, not bullying or trolling because of already existing social norms on DADA, and rules like the 200-point threshold, for instance.
Fabian: So it seems in one case you want a bounded space, to stay within limits, so to say, which seems roughly consistent with Institutionalization, and then at times you want to be able to identify a particular trait, characteristic or ideal, but mainly to afford coordination around it, and not within any particular limits. An example is “oh, escrow is very simple, I put money in escrow to buy a house, title is transferred, boom, works.” And then in the real world you move in, and discover water damage or something, where the damage needs to be assessed, the question becomes who assesses the damage and all sorts of complexity that was just ignored in the initial ‘oh its simple, we just write a contract case. ;)
Serste: I think what happened was more an evolution of needs. Buying a house is the first step to discover its fallacies… so here we are I guess.
See you next week (we’re moving fast!)…